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Intimacy follows the cognitive pattern of going from the shallow to the deep and from the general to the specific, discussing the foundations of intimacy, activity patterns, types, contradictions, and repairs.After reading this book, you will have a better understanding of attraction, love, marriage, commitment, friendship, passion, communication, sexuality,...

  • authorRoland Miller
  • publishersPeople's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House Ltd.
  • Issue dateJune 2015
  • Tag

Intimate Relationships (6th Edition) - Roland Miller - WeChat Books (qq.com): what's the difference between intimacy and panhandling; are big men and small women really compatible; what's the secret of attraction; are men and women really different animals; is homosexuality really genetically determined; are children of single-parent families more likely to grow up divorced? ...... What are the differences between the sexes when it comes to having a one-night stand and choosing a lifelong partner? differences? Are love and sexual desire controlled by different brain regions? What is the secret to satisfying intimate relationships? Professor Miller answers these questions in Intimacy, especially clarifying the empirical and even erroneous views promoted by popular psychology. Following the cognitive rule of going from the shallow to the deep and from the general to the specific, this book discusses the foundations of intimacy, activity patterns, types, contradictions, and repairs, etc. After reading this book, you will have a brand-new understanding of all aspects of intimacy, including attraction, love, marriage, commitment, friendship, passion, communication, sexuality, attachment, mate-choice, jealousy, infidelity, and domestic violence.

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